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So far DPI Direct has created 23 blog entries.
25 07, 2024

Print Can Help Drive Social Media

2024-07-25T10:16:22-07:00July 25, 2024|Marketing, Tips & Trends|Comments Off on Print Can Help Drive Social Media

Want to drive more social media engagement? Use print! It sounds counterintuitive, but time after time, both the data and anecdotal evidence tell us it’s true. As proof, look to this combo marketing effort from Skinny Cow, which offers low-fat dairy treats.

24 04, 2024

5 formas de combinar el correo electrónico con la impresión

2024-04-26T09:44:51-07:00April 24, 2024|Marketing|Comments Off on 5 Ways to Combine Email with Print

¿Quién dice que el correo directo y el correo electrónico son una propuesta de "o lo uno o lo otro"? Estos canales no tienen por qué ser competidores. Pueden complementarse y potenciarse mutuamente.

11 04, 2024

Are You Talking to Your Customers?

2024-04-23T14:04:09-07:00April 11, 2024|Marketing|Comments Off on Are You Talking to Your Customers?

Your customer communications, whether print, email, or mobile, are the face of your business. If your conversation isn’t meaningful, your products never get noticed. That’s why customer-centricity (or making the customer central to every interaction) is critical to your success. Here are five steps to making sure that every communication is customer-centric...

3 04, 2024

Choosing Your Direct Mail Provider

2024-04-16T14:20:01-07:00April 3, 2024|Marketing|Comments Off on Choosing Your Direct Mail Provider

Do you already have a direct mail provider? Is your mail provider a in-house printer, or are you using a third party mail service that takes additional time to process your mailings? Have you been working with the same company for years and think, “Things are going just fine, why make a change?” If you are happy with your current provider, great!

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