22 08, 2024

Does Your Brand Have Multiple Personalities? 

2024-08-22T12:30:36-07:00August 22, 2024|Marketing, Tips & Trends|Comments Off on Does Your Brand Have Multiple Personalities? 

How many personalities does your brand have? If you are doing it right, there should only be one. You should have different messaging for different audiences and marketing goals, but your overall brand message should be consistent.

7 08, 2024

Refresh Your Marketing Strategy

2024-08-02T11:20:32-07:00August 7, 2024|Marketing, Tips & Trends|Comments Off on Refresh Your Marketing Strategy

Mid-year is always a good time to re-evaluate your marketing strategy, especially when there has been a period of downtime. Whether you are using direct mail, email, mobile, or social media, here is a quick checklist to make sure that, as you look forward to the rest of the year, you are hitting all of the basics.

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